Color Picker

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View this color variations of shades, tints, tones, hues and temperatures.

Color harmonies

Color harmonies are pleasing color schemes created according to their position on a color wheel. Learn more

Analogous Analogous color schemes are made by picking three colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. They are perceived as calm and serene. Complementary Complementary color schemes are made by picking two opposite colors con the color wheel. They appear vibrant near to each other. Split complementary Split complementary schemes are like complementary but they uses two adiacent colors of the complement. They are more flexible than complementary ones. Triadic Triadic color schemes are created by picking three colors equally spaced on the color wheel. They appear quite contrasted and multicolored. Tetradic Tetradic color schemes are made form two couples of complementary colors in a rectangular shape on the color wheel. They are very versatile, and work best with one dominant color. Square Square color schemes are like tetradic arranged in a square instead of rectangle. Colors appear even more contrasting.
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