Color picker
HEX | #dd7dcd |
HEX8 | #dd7dcdff |
RGB | rgb(221, 125, 205) |
CMYK | [0,0.43,0.07,0.13] |
Name | #dd7dcd |
HCL | [332.14,54.45,65.32] |
oklab | [0.72,0.14,-0.07] |
Num | 14515661 |
HSI | [308.95,0.32,0.72] |
lab | [65.32,48.14,-25.44] |
Color harmonies of #dd7dcd
Color harmonies are pleasing color schemes created according to their position on a color wheel. Learn more
Triadic color schemes are created by picking three colors equally spaced on the color wheel. They appear quite contrasted and multicolored.
Tetradic color schemes are made form two couples of complementary colors in a rectangular shape on the color wheel. They are very versatile, and work best with one dominant color.
The monochromatic colors are those that have the same dye, but differ in hue, value and saturation. For example, paint samples have several different values of the same color. Using two or more monochromatic colors will achieve an elegant and pleasant effect.
Analogous color schemes are made by picking three colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. They are perceived as calm and serene.
Split Complements
Split complementary schemes are like complementary but they uses two adiacent colors of the complement. They are more flexible than complementary ones.
View this color variations of shades, tints, tones, hues and temperatures.
A tint is created by adding white to a base color, increasing its lightness. Tints are likely to look pastel and less intense.
A shade is created by adding black to a base color, increasing its darkness. Shades appear more dramatic and richer.
Contrast Checker
Verify the contrast of a #dd7dcd colored text on white and black backgrounds. For additional options use Color Contrast Checker Tool.
2.662 Very Poor
When I used to read fairy tales, I fancied that kind of thing never happened, and now here I am in the middle of one!
7.889 Very Good
When I used to read fairy tales, I fancied that kind of thing never happened, and now here I am in the middle of one!
Use #dd7dcd in CSS
#dd7dcd as Background Color in CSS
<div style="background-color:#dd7dcd">Background Color</div>
#dd7dcd as Text Color in CSS
<div style="color:#dd7dcd">Text Color</div>
#dd7dcd as Border Color in CSS
<div style="border-color:#dd7dcd">Border Color</div>